Hutt Central, Lower Hutt

Melling Road

Named by Richard John Seddon after his boss in an iron factory in Lancashire, William Melling. Seddon also named Normandale.

Naenae, Lower Hutt

Seddon Street

Richard John Seddon was Prime Minister 1893-1906. The street was prominent in the Waddington settlement in 1918. NZ History Biography  Richard Seddon’s nickname, ‘King Dick’, says it all. Our longest-serving and most famous leader not only led the government, many argued he was the government. For 13 years he completely dominated politics. Like Julius Vogel, […]

Normandale, Lower Hutt

Normandale Road

Named by Richard John Seddon (Prime Minister 1893-1906} after his wife’s mother’s maiden name, Ann Norrnandale.