Epuni, Lower Hutt

Trinity Avenue

Trinity Avenue is a residential street located in the Lower Hutt suburb of Epuni. The street was named after Trinity College, Cambridge, from which Dr. George Edward Anson graduated with a Master of Arts degree in 1873. Dr. Anson was a medical practitioner in Wellington, and also lived in Anson House, which is located on […]

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Green Street

Green Street is a residential street located in the Lower Hutt suburb of Epuni. The street was named after the maiden name of the wife of Dr. H.S. Anson, a prominent medical practitioner in Wellington who lived in Anson House.

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Tilbury Street

Tilbury Street in Epuni, Lower Hutt, is named in honour of John Tilbury, an early settler who originally hailed from Hampshire, England. In 1874, Tilbury owned a small farm on Naenae Road, where he cultivated fruit and vegetables, raised poultry, and kept house-cows. The street name commemorates the Tilbury family’s contribution to the agricultural development […]

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Rumgay Street

Rumgay Street in Epuni, Lower Hutt, is named after the Rumgay family, who were known for their market gardening activities in the Waiwhetu area. The family resided in Park Avenue and contributed to the local community through their agricultural pursuits. The naming of Rumgay Street serves as a recognition of their involvement in the development […]

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Burnton Street

A name made from the names of two families who owned land either side of Burnton Street in Witako Street, the Benton family and the Burn family. The street was put through in 1946.

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Ron Deal Way

Ron Deal began his career collecting rates on a bicycle and being a people person, he revelled in the job – and very much enjoyed the home baking he received along the way. He rose up through the ranks being appointed Deputy Town Clerk, Town Clerk and finally Chief Executive. He was passionate about Lower […]

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Mitchell Street

Named after John Mitchell, a Borough and City Councillor from 1919-44. He was chairman of the Parks and Reserves Committee for many years and also Deputy Mayor. He lived at ”Casa Loma” in Melling in 1932.

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Amberley Grove

Amberley Grove is a residential street located in the suburb of Epuni in Lower Hutt. The street’s name has an interesting backstory, which dates back to its development. According to local history, the street was named by one of its developers, Mr. Trousdell. Mr. Trousdell had previously lived in Sussex, England, and named the street […]

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Copeland Street

George Copeland died in 1866. He was active in social and political matters and the Wesleyan Church. He farmed at Waiwhetu and had a large family.

Epuni, Lower Hutt

Dyer Street

Walter Dyer, C.B.E., died in 1965. He was chairman of the Wellington Education Board 1934-46 and was for nine years a member of the Hutt County Council.