Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt

Tauhou Lane

Tauhou is the Mãori name for the silvereye, or wax eye, native bird which can be found in the bush areas around Wainuiomata. Tauhou literally translates into “New Arrival”, which also nicely describes the recent new uprising of Wainuiomata as a great place to live. The name “Tauhou Lane” was chosen by the Wainuiomata Community Board on the […]

Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt

Rātō Rise

Rato Rise is a private road that was formed as part of the subdivision and development of the Rato Rosanna Home located off Tyndall Street. The house was renamed Rato after the te reo word for sunset, rātō (rā = sun & tō = to set). The house sits on the Eastern Hills of Lower […]

Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt

Te Ara o Pūkeko

Name after the bird, Pūkeko. There have been large colonies of Pūkeko all along the Parkway and extension area for as many years. Over time these birds have been pushed further and further back from their habitats with the surrounding buildings and road works. With still some bush on the upper slopes, it is hoped some bird life still […]

Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt

Te Ara o Toroa

Toroa is te reo for Albatross, which are considered kaitiaki (guardians) tuākana (elders) of all the other bird species of Wainuiomata who will always be its taonga (Treasure). “Te aro” means the pathway of and is used a lot now for new street names. The developer of this new street requested the street name, and it was […]


Margaret Street

Named after Mrs. Margaret Andrews in the Lower Hutt community. Mrs. Andrews, the wife of John Andrews (See Andrews Avenue), former mayor of Lower Hutt from 1933 to 1947. As Mayoress, Mrs. Andrews demonstrated exceptional community engagement, particularly during the challenging years of the Second World War.

Hutt Central, Lower Hutt

Bunny Street

Named after Edmund Percy Bunny, commonly known as E.P. Bunny, was a prominent figure in the Lower Hutt community during the early 20th century. In 1898, he was elected to the Lower Hutt Borough Council, marking the beginning of his involvement in local governance. In 1900, Bunny became the mayor of Lower Hutt, taking over […]

Avalon, Lower Hutt

Mazzola Way

Named after the Mazzola family who were market gardeners in the area since 1942. Pictured is Francesco Mazzola in 1968. The nearby street Cataldo Mews is named after a member of the Mazzola family, Cataldo Mazzola.

Avalon, Lower Hutt

Cataldo Mews

A new subdivision was created on the land at 959 High Street, which had formerly belonged to Mr Cataldo Mazzola. The new street joined High Street on the property that was previously numbered as 963 High Street. The original driveway to 959 High Street was retained as a private right of way. During the development […]

Maungaraki, Lower Hutt

Otonga Heights

Named after the former Otonga School, which was present in the spot of this subdivision in Maungaraki, after the 1999 merger of Otonga and Puketiro Schools became Maungaraki School. The original name proposed by the developer, Strawberry Homes, was “Goldsmith Rise” as they had adopted a theme of Strawberries, with each of their house types being named […]

Seaview, Lower Hutt

Wareham Place

Wareham Place was a new access road that was constructed as part of the Barnes Street industrial subdivision. The developer of the subdivision, R B Steel, had requested that the road be named Wareham Place. The proposed name, Wareham Place, was chosen to recognise the significant contributions made by Mr Bryan Wareham of Wareham Cameron. […]